Tuesday 25 September 2007

We've been here almost a month!

Seems like ages since I last wrote anything - mainly because internet access has been difficult. Firstly there was no room to put the computer until our furniture arrived from Whitchurch. The guys loaded the store beautifully but communication had let us down and I wasn't present as planned to make sure that the things we needed were accessible. So Mike and I had to dig almost everything out to get to the sofa and desk and all the other bits and bobs necessary to life. This resulted in a trapped nerve in his shoulder and a lot of pain over the next few days.( Eventually cured by lifting a large bag of compost into the back of the car for me.) Squeezing into Penty Gwyn has been a struggle - it was alright for holidays but to bring everything and try and have the same things around you as before has proved very difficult , especially for the girls.
They are getting on as well as usual sharing a room but if I wasn't available to tidy up a bit for them then blood would be shed. We thought there would be plenty of room in the store but as fast as we take something out we seem to put something else in!

I have been enjoying some lovely walks with the dogs - Crantock headland and beach, Metha Wood, Newlyn Downs, it is wonderful to have such choices. The weather has been good too, just a few showers. We went to watch the zapcat racing at Watergate Beach last sunday.it was very exciting in the biggish surf. one of the pilots was thrown out of his boat like some kind of human canonball and fortunately seems to have been merely shaken up. I have since found some videos on You Tube showing zapcats in action.Definitely going back 12/13 October to watch the final.
Daughters seem to have made friends at school and college and seem happier now. They are going back to Whitchurch this weekend as Meraud has been invited to a Goape birthday party and can't miss an opportunity like that. I just hope they come back happily and can settle again.

Have got a doctor, joined the library and still feel a bit lonely but I'm coping.

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