Saturday 29 September 2007

R.I.P. Toffee

Tuesday 25th tragedy strikes. Toffee, Meraud's pretty guinea pig is dead. She went from quite well in the morning but a bit quiet to collapse in the afternoon. Our neighbour who is medically qualified thought that she might have had a stroke. we tried to warm the pig up with a hot water bottle and Meraud decided that veterinary advice was needed. I felt very anxious as I had to pick up Tegen from her bus stop and didn't know where the vet's surgery was but my lovely neighbours were very reassuring and made a cup of tea for me and offered to take girl and pig to the hospital. Of course there wasn't a lot they could do but give a muscle relaxant and a painkiller. Toffee died at about 8.10pm. She was tucked up in a towel over a hot water bottle next to Tegen, who was using her new laptop to do her english homework. Tegen noticed Toffee seemed to be trying to get up, Meraud went over and said to me that Toffee had made a funny noise but then she was very still and her eyes went glassy and we knew she had gone. Next minute Dad has to be txted and the neighbour's daughter and much sobbing goes on. Neighbour duly appears and we discuss funeral arrangements - difficult as we only have a patio here. However there is a border at the end of the courtyard and we decide to find a spot there.
Next day we do the deed. Meraud comes back from school and decorates it and plants 2 miniature pansies. A replacement is considered as Polo may be lonely on her own. I do some research on the web and find the Omlet site very helpful on this topic. (I still fantasise about keeping chickens). Thursday, Mike returns and we all go the Goonhavern to the pet shop and fall for a little sandy coloured job that we hope is also a girl.
Introductions seem to go well but I still worry about gender and eventually have to web it. You would not believe the graphic images of guinea pig bottoms there are on the web ! and I am very grateful for them and believe that we have indeed got 2 girly pigs. After some thought pig is named Marmite. Friday, all seems to be well on the pig front and much relief is felt, by me at least. I am left with the dogs this weekend as family goes back to Whitchurch. Meraud has invitation to Goape party and Tegen to stay with friends. Mike has found a very nice B&B on a farm nearby. Hope he remembers to bring back things from neighbour's garden.

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